21 Easy ways to make money quickly
The first time I realized that you could make money online was my senior year of college. I came across an article about a woman who had established a full-time living working online while touring the world as I was browsing Pinterest . That was my dream, just like any other free-spirited early-twenties person. Naturally, I then wondered, "How can I make money online so I can travel whenever I want?" I made the decision to do some research to see if there were any other people out there who were pursuing the " laptop lifestyle," which involves working from any location with an internet connection and mobile service. It turns out that millions, if not thousands, of people daily earn money online. I made the decision to try it out for myself after realising there are numerous legitimate ways to generate money online . Since then, I've been working from a laptop and making thousands annually. And getting started is easier than you would imagine...